Enhanced Healthcare Information Privacy

EchoMark adds an extra layer of security to your private communications, medical records, financial information, and research data.

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Prevent Leaks of Private Healthcare Data

In healthcare settings, protecting a diverse array of data is crucial to maintaining patient trust, complying with regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and preventing potential legal and ethical issues. EchoMark enhances existing security solutions, like access controls and encryption, by adding an extra layer of protection through invisible watermarks.


Automatic and Policy-Controlled

EchoMark generates personalized watermarks on private information whenever it is shared, silently in the background. Invisible watermarking can be controlled centrally by your organization’s admin based on nuanced policies, ensuring the right information is marked securely.

Healthcare Policy
Internal Company Memo

Layer Atop Existing Security

EchoMark works on top of your existing security protocols, adding a layer of security that allows you to trace information in the unfortunate case that private data leaks outside of the context that it belongs.

Chain of Custody

EchoMark’s technology ensures that a chain of custody is created for private information as it is shared. This will create a sense of accountability among handlers of private data, and generate a clear path for remediation in the event of a leak, whether malicious or inadvertent.

Chain Of Custody


Personalized watermarks on your important documents and communications let recipients know that the information is private and intended to remain private.



If even a portion of EchoMarked content is leaked via email, printout, or photo, Our technology will quickly identify the source of the leak.


Increase trust

When your private information is EchoMarked, a culture of trust will pervade and information will seamlessly flow to those who need it.

Book a demo

See how EchoMark can be seamlessly integrated with your Microsoft Exchange or Google Workspace to automatically embed invisible watermarks in messages and documents