Advanced Intelligence Security with Forensic Watermarks

EchoMark’s invisible forensic watermarks provide a sophisticated and effective way to deter and remediate leaks of sensitive intelligence while ensuring information is seamlessly shared with those who need to know.

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Seamless Deterrence, Powerful Detection

Protect sources, secure operational details and strategic analysis, and control dissemination of sensitive information by embedding forensic watermarks whenever information is shared. EchoMark gives you powerful deterrence tools while keeping necessary communication channels free and open.

Powerful Detection

Discourage Unauthorized Sharing

With visible footnotes at the bottom of messages and documents indicating their intended recipients, and embedding an invisible signature within the content that is traceable to its recipient, EchoMark discourages unauthorized sharing.

Discourage Unauthorized Sharing
Quickly Identify Leaks Sources

Quickly Identify Leaks Sources

EchoMark’s unique signatures embedded invisibly in sensitive communications and documents give you the means to quickly identify leak sources and their entire chain of custody. EchoMark’s easy-to-use yet robust investigative reports can be used as evidence for security teams and investigators, who can then take appropriate action against responsible parties.

Automatic, Silent, Secure

EchoMark’s Forensic Watermarks require no client software, preserving the natural flow of communication without disrupting familiar interactions. EchoMark can be deployed on the backend in minutes, controlled through policy set by admins, and operate within your private or air-gapped environment.

Silent Secure


Personalized watermarks on your important documents and communications let recipients know that the information is private and intended to remain private.



If even a portion of EchoMarked content is leaked via email, printout, or photo, Our technology will quickly identify the source of the leak.


Increase trust

When your private information is EchoMarked, a culture of trust will pervade and information will seamlessly flow to those who need it.

Book a demo

See how EchoMark can be seamlessly integrated with your Microsoft Exchange or Google Workspace to automatically embed invisible watermarks in messages and documents