Build your data protection capabilities with an EchoMark partnership

EchoMark partners with the most innovative and respected security solution providers in enterprise and government sectors. Our dynamic and unmatched expertise extends your ability to provide customers with a solution tailored to their data protection needs, quickly and efficiently. Expand your reach by joining our partner program today.

Become a Partner
A partner first approach

EchoMark is at the forefront of leak prevention and safeguarding intellectual property. We provide cutting-edge solutions that enable businesses to thrive in a competitive market. Partnerships and integrations drive meaningful value to our customers – that's why we are a partner-first organization.

Our trusted network of partners combines our unique approach and sophisticated technological capabilities with other leading solutions to enable proactive security against insider threats.

The ever-expanding capabilities of EchoMark address your customer's top priorities:

  1. Data security
  2. Intellectual property protection
  3. Safer information sharing
  4. Confidential communication
  5. Leak prevention
Our reseller partners

Our partner program is designed to foster growth, enhance your offerings, and ensure mutual success. With industry leaders like Tach Tech and Adaptive Integration, we’re committed to building a network of success. Discover how our collaborations pave the way to guard against your customer’s insider risks.

Become a Partner

The security solution to eradicate leaks

Partner with EchoMark to build trust with customers and eliminate their greatest frustration – leaked critical communications and proprietary information by inside saboteurs. Enjoy the benefits of access to EchoMark's latest products and updates, competitive reseller incentives, ongoing training and support, and co-branded resources.



Personalized watermarks on your important documents and communications let recipients know that the information is private and intended to remain private.



If even a portion of EchoMarked content is leaked via email, printout, or photo, Our technology will quickly identify the source of the leak.


Increase trust

When your private information is EchoMarked, a culture of trust will pervade and information will seamlessly flow to those who need it.

From our partners

Eric Brown
Eric Brown
SVP and Chief Innovation Officer, ManTech
ManTech applies AI in all we do, and EchoMark’s approach to detecting and preventing insider threat leaks and intellectual property theft is an enabler to our strategy.
Greg Samuels
Greg Samuels
VP – Secure Network & Security Services, CBTS
We’re not just adding another piece of technology, we are bringing in a game-changer for data protection at scale. EchoMark prevents data leaks and defends intellectual property from compromise. Their solution doesn't push DLP aside but makes it even stronger, giving us an edge in safeguarding our client's most precious data, and opening new doors to serve our clients better.
Steven Thompson
Steven Thompson
Principal, TachTech
EchoMark, is transforming insider risk management through prevention. Their use of advanced personalized forensic watermarking technology for email communications and attachments, allows quick identification of leak sources and is crucial for maintaining business trust. It's a real problem they're solving for enterprises.
Nathan Stone
Nathan Stone
VP of Sales, Adaptive Integration
It's almost unbelievable until you witness it yourself. The solution is so effective and easy to deploy that there is no viable reason not to use it, even in complex enterprise environments. EchoMark is the groundbreaking tech we look for to allow our customers to identify the source of leaked information.

Ready to elevate your business?

Become a part of a growing network that will revolutionize the industry. Join the EchoMark Reseller Partner Program today and start your journey.