EchoMark protects private data

By personalizing content with invisible watermarks, EchoMark helps foster a sense of responsibility among recipients of private information.

Enter EchoMark

Seamless watermark solutions

From the invisible to the visible, we deploy a variety of methods to decrease the chance of leaks and increase trackability should they occur.

Illustration of a key on an application window with a fingerprint

Digital stamp

Embed unguessable forensic keys into messages and file metadata.
Illustration of a two documents, with one of them revealing a fingerprint hidden in the content.

Invisible watermark

Apply subtle visual changes that are invisible to the naked eye.
Illustration of a signature on a document.

Visible footnote

Give users a visual cue so they know content is personalized for them.
Illustration of a pen with sparkles and the text "AI" emanating from it as it writes on a document.

AI rephrasing

Rephrase messages while retaining their original, intended meaning.

EchoMark works silently in the background

EchoMark can be integrated with your Exchange and Workspace accounts so that there is no interruption to the content being shared and no user intervention is required.


Collaborate and communicate freely — without sacrificing security.

See how EchoMark removes barriers to sharing while protecting your most private information.